Top 10 best earning website in USA


are you looking for the top 10 paid  i have

tested hundreds of different free ways

to make some extra money online and one

of the easiest ways to get started is by

taking paid surveys and very often

people here on my channel ask me about

the best service sites for specific

countries and in this video here i will

show you the 10 best paid service sites

if you live in the usa

so before i go over the top 10 list

there there's just a couple of things i

want to make clear in case you are not

used to taking paid service if you are

just use the timestamps below here to

jump forward in the video but one thing

you need to be aware of is that paid

service is not a way to make a full-time

income it can be a very easy way to

start making some extra money and in the

us you have a lot of really great

service sites you can join that gives a

lot of good earning opportunities so you

can earn some nice extra money on the

site but it's not a way to make a living

or anything like that and if you do not

live in the us then do not worry there

are plenty of other paid services you

can use that will be better for your

country and i will leave a link in the

top corner here to a playlist i have of

free online earning methods in other

countries and do not try to use a vpn to

fake your country to make it look like

you live in the us if you do not to get

access to some of the great

opportunities there it is fraud it is

like stealing from the company owners

there and they will of course detect it

and they will ban you so do not try

anything like that go for that playlist

in the top corner here instead if you're

not from the us but if you are from the

us and are looking for some easy ways to

make some extra money then these 10

sites will be for you and you can join

just a few of them or you can join all

of them depending on how much time you

have to put into this so let's now get

to the top 10 list

so number 10 on the list we have you got

and this is a very friendly server side

with a decent number of paid service you

will not necessarily get a paid survey

every day but the ones you will get will

pay decently and they're quite easy to

answer also and what is really great is

that you got is often quoted in the

media so you can also go to the website

and see the stories where the service

you have participated in where they

actually used in the media so that's

kind of a fun extra thing that you do

not find on a lot of paid service sites

you will earn points when you take the

service here and that can then be

exchanged for different gift cards and

products and sometimes also different

cash opportunities exactly when you can

take your earnings out will depend on

the different payout options you choose to use here

and also you does have an app so you

can easily take service on the go if you

prefer that next on the list we have paid viewpoint

and this is on this list here of the best

sites in the us because it offers a

decent number here and one very unique thing about paid

viewpoint compared to most other service

sites is that you will always qualify

for the paid service that you are

offered here whereas for most other paid

service sites you will

sometimes not qualify for the surveys so

that definitely makes it very

nice here because you do not have that

frustration of not qualifying that just

also means that you will not find quite

as many paid service here as on many of

the other sides on this list here but

because the service you get here are so

super easy to take and because you know

that you will always qualify for the

ones you get then it definitely still be

worth it and you can get paid in cash

via paypal and take your earnings out

once you have earned 15

so it can take a little bit of patience

compared to some of the other options

here on this list here where you can

take your earnings out very quickly in

some cases there but still definitely

doable and not too high a payoff

threshold moving on up the list we have survey

time and this is probably one of the

fastest paying service size in the u.s

because as soon as you have completed a

survey you will get paid immediately you

will get one dollar per survey no matter

how long it is so sometimes it gives

very good value for your time and other

times it does not give so great value

but one dollar per survey is nice and

easy and quite decent rate especially

for the shorter service here and then as

soon as you finish you choose your

payout method in the us you can choose

between different gift cards paypal cash

and also cryptocurrencies and sometimes

there and then you just get it into your

account right away so it is super fast

to earn here but of course you will not

qualify for all service so sometimes it

can take a little bit of patience to

find the ones you qualify for but a very

fast way to earn a bit of extra cash or

gift cards on the side

next we have opinion pioneer and this is

one of the newer paid service side but

already it has a lot of great things

going for it and it is very user

friendly and it offers some things that

many other server sides do not offer

where it very clearly shows you the

chance of qualifying for the different

service and also if you happen to not

qualify for a survey you will still get

a small reward in addition to that it

pays a little bit higher for many of the

service compared to many other service

sites and as of recording this video

here you can take earnings out via

paypal but i have been told that they

also working on offering other payout

methods and you only need to earn 10

dollars to be able to take your earnings

out so this is definitely also one of

the service sites worth checking out if

you live in the us because in the u.s it

gives a lot of surveys you can find

quite a lot of daily service even here

next we have univox community and this

is a service site you can take service

on the website itself or you can

download the app via the app store or

the google play store and take service

on the go it's quite easy to use it

offers a decent amount of service here

and you can take your earnings out once

you've earned ten dollars just be aware

that the first time you cash out you

need to earn 25 but then the more active

you are the higher membership level you

will get and then eventually you will be

able to take your earnings out once you

only earn 10 dollars and you can then

take your earnings out as different gift

cards or as paypal cash depending on

your preferences and you will get a two

dollar joining bonus just for signing up

and i'll leave links below here to the

full list where you can also find the


joining links because some of them do

offer bonuses if you join through an

invitation link i will leave more

information about that below here so you

can check that out after you've decided

which of these options here you want to


so we're now halfway through this video

here and before getting into the top 10

i would appreciate it could just take

one second to like this video here

because it can help it to be seen by

more people

so on the fifth place here we have price

ripple and this is one of my overall

favorite get paid to sites because it

has so many different ways to earn and

it has a lot of really great

opportunities in the us not only can you

find quite a lot of high paying service

here you can also earn by taking paid

offers which it also pays quite decent

before here and you can also earn a tiny

bit by watching videos here and they

have this membership levels that you

will level up as long as you just stay

active which will give you some really

great benefits and bonuses as well and

you can get paid very quickly you only

need to earn five dollars to be able to

get paid via paypal and it also offers a

lot of different gift cards you can

choose from also those starts at around

five dollars for some of them you need

to earn a little bit more to take them

out but overall it's very fast to earn

enough to get paid via price rebel and

also once you have requested a payout

you will get your earnings very quickly

in my experience usually within a few

hours next we have branded service and this is

a service side that has

quite a lot of service if you live in

the u.s it specializes in just a few

countries and the us is one of these

countries here what in particularly

makes branded surveys a great survey

side here is that it has membership

levels so the more active you are the

higher rewards we get for the survey so

once you just keep staying active you

can end up getting quite high rewards

per server you take here and you only

need to earn five dollars to be able to

take your earnings out via paypal or you

can choose between a lot of different

gift cards if you prefer that

so in the third place here we have super

pay me and the reason it is here almost

at the top is that you can earn here very quickly first of

all you will get a 20 joining bonus and

you only need one dollar to be able to

withdraw your earnings via paypal so

that basically means you just need to

take maybe one or two survey depending

on the server you find here and then you

will have enough to get paid and also

once you are requested to pay out they

process that payment very quickly the

first time there might be a little bit

of a delay because of verification

process but after that in my experience

you usually get your earnings within a

few hours and also they have very fast

support so if you ever have any issues

you can just reach out and they are very

quick at replying also in addition to

getting paid via paypal you can also

choose to get paid in bitcoin the payout

threshold for that is higher and you can

also choose instant paypal or sometimes

also different other gift cards also you

can not only earn by taking paid service

here which it has quite a lot of

if you live in the u.s but you can also

find paid offers here get paid to click

ads you can watch videos it has a lot of


ways to earn here and it also has a

great cash contest every three months so

you can end up earning some really nice

extra earnings if you end up as one of

the top earners here

so almost at the top we have swagbucks

and swagbucks is one of the biggest and

most popular pager sites because it just

offers so many different ways to earn

and in the u.s you will find some of the

best earning opportunities here you can

find a lot of paid service here but it

also gives you a lot of other earning

opportunities you can get paid to invite

friends you can watch videos you can get

paid to search online you can get paid

cashback when you shop online it has

different bonus systems and also you can

get a joining bonus if you join through

an invitation link as already mentioned

earlier i will leave a link below here

to the full list where you can find all

these different joining links here but

overall swagbucks is definitely an

option you should go for if you're

looking for different easy free ways to

make some extra money on the site online

and you can get paid already when you

earn a few dollars depending on the

payout method you choose some gift cards

will allow you to withdraw already when

you earned two dollars three dollars or

so and others you only need to earn five

ten dollars and you can also get paid in

cash via paypal so it offers a lot of

different payout methods no matter your

preferences you can definitely find a

great payout method here

so at the top we have free cash and this

is one of the newer get paid to sites

but it offers a lot of great earning

opportunities here if you live in the us and

it just keeps also developing and making

new great methods available so not only

can you find a lot of high-paying

surveys here you can also find a lot of

great paid offers here

and it keeps adding these different

contests that has leaderbots contests

and it gives a free promo code sometimes

and also if you join through an

invitation link you will get a hundred

points joining bonus just for signing up

as mentioned you can find more info

about that and all the bonus joining

links below here i'll leave a link to a

full list here but one of the main

reasons freecast is also here at the top

is the very low payout threshold because

you only need to earn 10 cents to be

able to get paid which is definitely the

lowest payout threshold

of any service side that i have seen in

the u.s and you can get paid via paypal

the payout threshold for that is five

dollars but you can also choose bitcoin

ethereum litecoin and other

cryptocurrencies and for that the payout

threshold is only 10 cents and it also

offers a lot of other gift cards but no

matter your chosen payout method the

payout threshold is quite low and very

fast to read because freecast offers

quite high rewards and it offers so many

different ways to earn here

so as you can see there are some really

great earning opportunities if you want

to make some extra money online for free

in the us and server sides is one of the

easiest ways to get started and all

these 10 options here are 100 free to

join i know they do pay because i have

been paid by all of them many times and

you can join all of them if you want to

or you can just choose a few depending

on your preferences and as mentioned

some of them do offer special bonuses if

you join through an invitation link i

will leave a link below here to this

list i'm showing you here now of all the

great service size and get patreon sites

in the us here that i have found to be

worth it and they are a lot more than

the 10 here so if you want to join even

more you can also just find even more

opportunities here so

i will leave a link below here so to

make sure to go there and check that out

and sign up for the sites that you think

ill be the right fit for you but no

matter what i hope this video here

elped you and if it did then make sure

to hit the like button and also don't forget to subscribe to my youtube

channel and hit the notification bell so

you won't miss out next time with a

video with tips and tricks about

different ways to make some extra money

on the site online


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